Others may have found that our hangar's FS9 version of the CalClassics 240 has the typical problem when used with FSX - props and or glass areas are barely transparent or all black when viewed from outside.
I stumbled across an upgraded FS2004 / FSX version, a reworked version of Pepper/Gibson's original CV-240.
There is also an OZARK texture package for this basepack. This combination works GREAT in FSX!
Both freeware files are on the flightsim site (
http://www.flightsim.com). search for the files " cv240vbfca18_basepack_010.zip" and "oz240.zip".
The Hangar's OZARK texture WILL NOT WORK with the basepack - you must use the texture file referenced above
Smush them together and you have a great OZARK CV-240 for FSX.
PS - If you don't have it, get the CV-240/340 panel from the CalClassics website at
http://www.calclassic.com/convair.htm; it should work in FSX.
Hope this is of some use to someone -