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THE LOUNGE / Re: The End
« Last post by Michael Concannon /OVA5155 on August 19, 2024, 09:08:25 AM »
Best of luck Brian --
« Last post by Ross Barton/OVA5281 on July 20, 2024, 06:51:47 AM »
Hi Marty,

What is the status of TWVA?
THE LOUNGE / Re: The End
« Last post by Eric Page/TWA060 on July 20, 2024, 06:39:03 AM »
Brian, I hope all goes well with your surgery and I wish you a speedy recovery and continued good health. Sorry to hear about closing Ozark but I understand your position and I'm sure this wasn't an easy decision.

THE LOUNGE / Re: The End
« Last post by Ross Barton/OVA5281 on July 20, 2024, 06:35:59 AM »

The news regarding Ozark Virtual comes with great sadness.  I enjoyed flying for OVA and knowing some of things you mentioned earlier, it must have been difficult for you to continue.  So we really appreciated what you have done over the years.

We'll keep praying for you and your family, praying that your surgery and recovery on the 5th go well.

Blessings to you and your family my friend,
« Last post by Brian Wilber/Ozark CEO on July 19, 2024, 12:28:59 PM »
Friends, the time has come. For a couple of reasons, Ozark VA is about to be closed for good. The software that makes everything work is woefully outdated. So much so that patches have been made to keep it running. For example, it runs on PHP 5 and the latest iteration of PHP is 8. Keeping PHP 5 on the server that hosts it exposes the server to malicious activity. Frankly, we are surprised that nothing has happened to date, but I am no longer willing to chance it. We could update the system and move to a more modern server, but that is where the second reason comes in.

I am scheduled for an 8-10 hour surgery on the 5th with a six month recovery time after that. I will be in no shape to mess with it. Finally, to be up front, I have lost interest in flight simulation in general, and virtual airlines specifically.

It has been fun along the way, and I have made some lifelong friends through it, but like all good things, it eventually ends. Thank you to all who have contributed to Ozark VA and thank you for your friendship. I wish you the blessings of God and much enjoyment in life.

I know this does not affect just Ozark. These forums are combined Ozark and TWA, and therefore I will be in touch with Charlie and Marty to work that out.


kACARS_Free / Re: Can't install due to newer version
« Last post by Ross Barton/OVA5281 on February 03, 2024, 08:58:41 AM »

Unfortunately, I've experienced instability in the TWVA Website which has "hangered" my planes.  If the site is acting up, kACARS will not connect and if connect, will lose connectivity.  It makes flying and recording one's difficult.  I want to fly for TWA, but the instability has made it not practical.  Once the site is running consistently, I'll be airborne again.
kACARS_Free / Re: Can't install due to newer version
« Last post by Jack J-L/TWA2420 on January 06, 2024, 02:07:11 PM »
hey guys, sorry for necroing this but i haven't been able to find the answers anywhere online.

i havent flown (or atleast havent used kacars) in a good while but was trying to use it today cause i wanted to get back in the "hotseat" again persay but im getting a connection error and this popup. ive tried the solutions here to no avail and the only other solution ive seen mentioned online is to call up your ISP which i cant do cause im on a somewhat shared network and the provider is less than helpful cause of something about blank headers.

so was just wondering if yall had any ideas on how to fix this? cause i cant try redownloading kacars or seeing if theres an update or whatever cause it seems the dude behind it has close the website due to not having time to develop it anymore.
« Last post by Ross Barton/OVA5281 on December 25, 2023, 03:30:51 PM »

Good to hear from you.  Merry Christmas to you and your family.
« Last post by Brian Wilber/Ozark CEO on December 25, 2023, 02:42:53 PM »
Merry Christmas, y'all!
New Members of TWVA / Re: New Pilot
« Last post by Marty Barnes / TWVA-KLAX on September 14, 2023, 02:53:11 PM »
Welcome Aboard, Captain !
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