Friends, the time has come. For a couple of reasons, Ozark VA is about to be closed for good. The software that makes everything work is woefully outdated. So much so that patches have been made to keep it running. For example, it runs on PHP 5 and the latest iteration of PHP is 8. Keeping PHP 5 on the server that hosts it exposes the server to malicious activity. Frankly, we are surprised that nothing has happened to date, but I am no longer willing to chance it. We could update the system and move to a more modern server, but that is where the second reason comes in.
I am scheduled for an 8-10 hour surgery on the 5th with a six month recovery time after that. I will be in no shape to mess with it. Finally, to be up front, I have lost interest in flight simulation in general, and virtual airlines specifically.
It has been fun along the way, and I have made some lifelong friends through it, but like all good things, it eventually ends. Thank you to all who have contributed to Ozark VA and thank you for your friendship. I wish you the blessings of God and much enjoyment in life.
I know this does not affect just Ozark. These forums are combined Ozark and TWA, and therefore I will be in touch with Charlie and Marty to work that out.