New Releases from PMDG


Pamela Brooker/TWVA-KJFK:
Just a quick note for all interested, that PMDG has released the NGX SP1 as well as the 737-600/700 expansions for the NGX.
You might want to take a stroll on over and check them out..

Tim Hobin/TWVA1713:
Thanks pam, Just installed SP1 and bought the expansion. would your TWA paint work on the 600? Being curious as it would sub in for Emb,B717.

Pamela Brooker/TWVA-KJFK:
I honestly dont know if it would or not as I havent bought the 600/700 yet. I have my suspicions that it would, but i've been in correct more times than not before, and can only recommend giving it a try and see what happens. At best it works, at worst, it ends up looking like a humorous collage..

Tim Hobin/TWVA1713:
Running a test flight now to KORD with TWA colors 737600. will post pics soon. I'll get my dream TWA Boeing 737 fleet yet :)


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